As dissertations reach
and completions and exams start to look like something that might go
away soon, many soon-to-be graduates are looking into the maw of
employment and wondering what on earth they're going to do with their
lives. You may well have a plan, or a job-related degree. Best of
luck, teachers, doctors and accountants! I am aware that everyone has
trouble with first jobs, but at least if you have a direction then
you know where to start looking.
But what of those of us
who are cast into the ether without any clear direction, what should
we do? It's all very well to beat our chests and rent our clothes and
bewail that we didn't take the time to visit the Careers Centre, but
alas, for some of us the Careers Centre is too far away now. These
are some very vague tips for anyone who is currently resembling a
headless chicken and have no idea how to go about even starting to
look for a job:
1. If you want to go
the graduate scheme route, go nuts – they're designed for
graduates. Milkround and Prospects are both good websites, and I
managed to get a few interviews/assessment centre places with them.
2. Apply for everything
that takes your fancy, but tailor your applications. A general CV is
a boring CV. Why do you want to do that job? More importantly, what
unique thing can you bring for that particular role?
3. “£25,000 OTE!”
means 'Slightly above minimum wage unless you're really, really good
at sales'. If you're really, really good at sales then hooray for
you! If you're not, though, a sales job will probably make you
unhappy. Sorry.
4. If you don't
understand some of the job terms used, then that's fine! If you don't
understand the whole advert, then there's only so much you can blag.
5. “This job is below
me!” No, it's not. Get out of that mindset right now. Work is a
good thing to be in. The job may be hell, and you may not enjoy it,
but the job you're doing now? The waitressing, the call centre, the
data inputting? Some people do that for their whole life. Work is a
good thing to have, and that McJob will keep you with some money,
some self-esteem and if you're clever, will help give you a leg up
into the job you want to do.
5a. Did you have a
student job? Can it be transferred or made full time in some way?
That's what I did, and within two weeks of transferring to a
different store in a different region (translation: I moved back in
with my parents) I got promoted to supervisor. Okay, I left that job,
but it means I have MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE which is, on a technical
level, gold dust.
6. Don't buy an
interview suit until you have an interview. It's soul-crushing to
look at it, unworn, swinging gently in the wardrobe.
7. Beware the
recruitment agencies. They will lure you in with a job title and it
turns out they just want you on the books. I am on more recruitment
agencies books than I can shake a stick at, and I've never got a
single interview out of them, let alone a job. Recruitment agencies,
unfortunately, also advertise very real and current jobs. Read the
adverts carefully and ask about their client for this role. If they
have a specific client, it's probably a real job. If it's vague, they
8. Lastly, keep in
contact with friends. Not for networking, you mercenary bastards, but
just to keep in contact with people you may have moved away from
during the job search. Frankly, it's good for the soul.